Need a LYFT in Spirits This Holiday Season??

During the holiday season we need all the extra happiness and cheer we can get, right?  So when a company goes above and beyond to spread some festive love to their customers this week, ya gotta give 'em a shout out.  If you haven't used the ride-share/taxi-service app, LYFT yet, you're missing out.  The app is beyond efficient and effective and the drivers are friendly, arrive in clean cars, and even wear pink shirts! But THIS week, to celebrate Christmas, the holidays, and the season of giving, LYFT Chicago is giving out hundreds of LYFT GYFTS #LYFTGYFT to a ton of lucky passengers. This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.

Today I got in my LYFT, and my driver, Lamont, handed me a pink bag with an insanely delicious Vosges Candy Cane Chocolate bar in it as well as a vial of Sandalwood essential oils.  I was so excited (as I'm a chocolate lunatic) that I wouldn't stop thanking Lamont, I think I tried to hug him!  Needless to say, it made my ride to Logan Square even more enjoyable.  Order a LYFT Chicago ride TODAY for your chance to partake in some of these amazing holiday gifts!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!